(323) 484-3368 info@rycafilms.com

Take a second to think back to elementary school. All morning you’ve waited for that glorious time of the day where you could go to the cafeteria and load up on lunch. As soon as your teacher let you out of the classroom, you raced down the hall because you wanted to be first in line.

Everybody wanted to be first in line. Maybe you even had “First-in-line” passes that you could earn from good behavior. But why was first in line coveted so much? Yeah, there’s the fact that you’re starving and want to hurry up and eat. But above that reasoning, you knew above anything else that first in line has the best options.

The food was still piping hot and they haven’t run out of your favorite mac ‘n cheese and started substituting it for applesauce instead. Being last in line was the worst. You got everyone’s leftovers and there was hardly anything good left.

Treat your industry like you treated the lunch line.
Don’t be last, be first. Be the best.

Your industry is competitive. If your business is not consistently contributing new, innovative ideas to the industry, then your credibility will be negatively affected. People don’t want the business that just hops on board to what their competitors are doing. People like businesses that are industry-leaders, always coming up with the next best thing.

Here are a two ways to make sure that you are always ahead of the game in your industry:

Do Your Research

ResearchI can’t stress this enough. Research should be at the core of everything that you do. If you are not up to date on what is going on in your industry, then you’re bound to fall behind in your practice.

The good news is, research doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. With today’s technology, researching your industry can be as simple as subscribing to a few reputable blogs and taking twenty minutes a day to read a few new articles about what’s going on. Getting in the habit of researching your industry will keep you ahead of the game and inspire you to be forward thinking in your business practices. If you’re having trouble getting started with your research, consider Googling these questions:

  • What is going on worldwide in my industry?
  • Are there new practices we should be adopting?
  • What is the latest technology that my industry has to offer?
  • What are the latest marketing trends that have been proven successful for my industry?

Don’t Duplicate, Innovate


Your current question is probably, “Well what if there is a practice that is working well for other businesses that I want to try? Will trying it make me a bandwagon bum?”

The answer is, no! If you see something you like – try it! But, (and this is important) make sure that you add your own special flare to whatever you’re doing. Innovate, don’t duplicate. It is important that you make your own special contribution to the idea that you are using as inspiration. Answer the following questions:

  • What makes your business unique?
  • Why should customers choose this service that you’re providing, when your competitor has been doing it way longer?
  • What specifically do you have to offer?

RyCa Business Films is committed to providing quality, affordable films for businesses big or small. Want to take your advertisement and marketing to the next level? Give us a call at (323) 484-3368.